Terrific Tuesday Blog: Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Donation

A big thanks to Shelly H.! Thanks to her purchases Have A Blast Toys has hit our first 10 toy donation goal for 2016! Since a few My Little Ponies put us over the top, we donated a fun Fluttershy to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta today!

You might notice that it’s May, and this is our first donation for the year. We do quite a bit of business on eBay, but the cost of business there is prohibitive to also trying to donate toys with those sales. Further, when people buy from us on eBay, they often think of it as buying “from eBay”, because, hey, you are going to eBay to buy stuff.

We have a mission statement here at Have A Blast Toys & Games to Geek, Play, Give. We want your toy experience with us to have all three meanings with each purchase. We love to sell you toys.

We want to share that love as much as possible with Children’s as a local Atlanta institution where some kids may need Play more than we can imagine.

To that end, if you’re a friend, family, or wonderful stranger, share our website and social media with the people you know who love toys! We offer free shipping on orders over $34.98, repeat customer coupons, and candy in our boxes. Every time someone makes a haveablasttoys.com purchase they’re giving back.

We’re on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram and we love your likes and comments! Share your toy stories and collections with us! We’d love to highlight how you’ve been Geeking, Playing, and Giving!

Check out our social media feed later for a quick video of our toy giveaway!

We’ve got more great toys coming this week (even more than yesterday!) including Walking Dead Series 4 Mystery Minis!

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